Quelques chiffres sur meetic ...

J'ai eu dernièrement l'occasion d'avoir une discussion avec une personne du marketing chez Meetic.

Je me suis toujours demandé quelle pouvait être l'ambiance dans une boite vendant de la rencontre. Visiblement, il semblait content d'y travailler et m'a décrit une ambiance plutôt jeune et dynamique avec un grand nombre d'employés inscrits sur le site. Il m'a également parlé de la réponse que Meetic allait prochainement adresser à MAtch.com ( le service américain concurrent) à travers une toute nouvelle version.

Mais ce sont les chiffres qui m'ont particulièrement intéressé. Ainsi, j'ai après qu'il y avait aujourd'hui 10% de la population Française inscrite sur ce site. Si on écarte les -18ans, les vieux, ceux qui n'ont pas Internet, les gens en couple ( quoi que ... :) ) c'est un chiffre assez hallucinant!

I Love Favorite Icon

i-love-favor-icons.gif Here is a series of "I Love" favorite icon that I designed for fun. They are perfect for blog sites and I thought it would be fun to share them. Favorite icon is a 16×16 pixel icon that appears inside the address bar. If you are using Firefox or Safari, look up in the address bar, you should see that I'm using the "I Love Illustrator" icon.

There are various themes in the package and hopefully you can find one that matches with your site. I also included a layered PSD in the zip, just in case you want to design your own.

How to Add Favorite Icon

Download the zip file, in the ICO folder, find your favorite icon, rename it to favicon.ico, and then upload it to your server (root folder). Most modern browsers such as Firefox and Safari, will automatically display your favorite icon. For cross-browsers purpose, you need to add the following code in between the <head> tag:


whistlingIn my ear training guide I discussed the dichotomy many of us face when it comes to singing and playing by ear. When singing, we can effortlessly match the pitches of any tune. We get the notes right, we blend in with the harmonies, we can sing improvised solos, etc… and we do it all by ear. On the flip side, when we pick up our horns, many of us can't play anything accurately unless we have written music.

While I don’t think anyone would argue with this reality, I do think there are many people out there who justify their inability to play by ear with the belief that playing an instrument is so complex that you absolutely must have written music in order to get the notes right.

print Phoenix Wallpaper

phoenix-wallpaper.jpgSince I launched the Phoenix Theme, numbers of people asked me to release my Phoenix Theme. I'm sorry, I can't because this theme is freshly developed and it is an icon of N.Design Studio. However, what I can do is give out my Phoenix illustration as desktop wallpapers. It is available in high resolution for both desktop and laptop screen: 1024 x 768, 1280 x 1024, 1280 x 800, 1400 x 900.

Is Print Doomed?

President of the National Geographic Society's magazine group.
Resolved: Print is dead.

Jarvis: Print is not dead. Print is where words go to die.

Too many of the ideas trapped on pages end up, at best, in unused archives or, at worst, in recyclers' pulp, when they should be online: searchable, discoverable, linkable, part of the conversation.

In this new world, the medium is meaningless. Media define themselves by the pipes that feed them but the public does not; we want what we want when, where, and how we want it. The wise media company will be there with us; the stubborn ones will die.

Print Free Calendars

Need a calendar? Print one of our free customizable calendars online.

The November 2006 calendar has been pre-selected.

If you are printing a monthly calendar, you can customize any date with your cursor—put in your own special holidays and events. Monthly portrait oriented calendars are further customizable with your own special photos.

U.S. diplomat apologizes for Iraq policy critique

A senior U.S. diplomat apologized on Sunday for saying U.S. policy in Iraq has been marked by "arrogance" and "stupidity."

Alberto Fernandez, an Arabic-speaking diplomat in the U.S. State Department's bureau of Near Eastern affairs, issued a written apology about his interview with Al-Jazeera television.

"Upon reading the transcript of my appearance on Al-Jazeera, I realized that I seriously misspoke by using the phrase 'there has been arrogance and stupidity' by the U.S. in Iraq," said Fernandez, director of public diplomacy in State's Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs.